EPR’s 40th Birthday Celebration at BRAM LEIGH Receptions November 2016

“Happy Birthday EPR”
 (Article by Ruby Puddephat – Photos Ray Stolz

There was excitement in the air as we the members, looked forward to celebrating our 40th Birthday at Bram Leigh Receptions.
The club has come a long way over the many years and has given its members a choice of activities and opportunities to meet and make friends and a scope of other interests. Our thanks to all the past Presidents and committee members who have made it possible and so successful over the years.

We arrived at the beautiful venue with its immaculate gardens, shrubs and so on. We were welcomed at the door by Helen Thornhill (Treasurer) who helped make this day possible. The img_6537-mediumDinning room looked superb. Wine, soft drinks and canapes, were available as we entered.





judy-cropped-mediumPresident Judy Stolz welcomed everyone including Bill Wilkins our Patron, and the past Presidents who were present: Bill Fly, Pauline Ruse, Jean Dufton, Marlene Barrah, James Jamieson, and John Mangan. All were thanked for their years of service including Margaret Homewood who was unable to attend after recent surgery.







img_6569-mediumAfter the main meal was served, we were entertained by the colourful and agile Tappers, who are always popular and only get better.




















img_6573-mediumJohn Mangan with his wonderful voice sang a couple of songs for us: What a Wonderful World and It’s a Lovely day Today – Always great to have John with us.









Then came the cutting of the cake with the current President and past Presidents all holding the knife while our photographer Ray Stolz was busy with the camera.





three-croppedOur thanks to all the hardworking people who made this day so special and enjoyable especially Helen Thornhill, Judy Stolz and Irene Pomeroy.







Judy              Helen         Irene

img_6540-mediumThe large attendance from our members was fantastic and much appreciated.