You can download an application for membership for printing by clicking here and send it to
“ Membership Secretary, P.O. 2330, Ringwood North Vic 3134”.
Or you can complete the following form and pay your fee by ONLINE BANKING or through the Teller at your Bank.
Our EPR Bank Details are:
Account Name: EPR INC
BSB: 633-000
Account Number: 139415574
Reference: Enter your Surname and Given Name
Amount: $25.00 per person
Note: When entering details in YOUR NAME field on the Online Banking page put your name not the Bank a/c name.
Please note that by submitting this form you are agreeing to the following statement:
I hereby apply to become a member of ENJOYING PLANNED RETIREMENT (Inc). The current membership fee is $25.00 per person per annum.
It is the normal practice of ENJOYING PLANNED RETIREMENT to annually distribute an updated membership directory to each financial member to enable easy communication between members. I agree to the printing and distribution of my contact details (as supplied below) to other members of EPR .
In the event of my admission as a member I agree to be bound by the Rules of the Association in force for the time being.