

BICYCLE GROUP: Convenor David Lovett 0407 002 561.  Meet Saturday weekly at 9.30am. Click on Walk/Bike Times on the blue menu above, to see times and locations.  To see pictures click here

ā€œ4Cā€™Sā€ CARAVAN AND CABIN OUTINGS : The Convenor is different for each outing. See EVENTS and check NEWSLETTERS for details of the next outing and the name of the current Convenor. We try and have outings at least two times a year and stay four days at a Caravan Park within a four hour travel time from Melbourne.  To see pictures of past outings click here

CARD MAKING (Greeting Cards) GROUP:  Convenor Irene Pomeroy 9725 6084. This activity is about making cards for all occasions, not playing cards. They meet every 3rd and 4th Thursday in the month at the EPR studio at and finish at 

CARDS (HAND AND FOOT):  Convenor Eda Ashworth 9726 0433. Meet at home on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 1.00pm.

CARDS (HAND AND FOOT): Convenor Helen Thornhill  9801 7193. Meet on the 3rd Monday of the month at 1.00pm at the Studio.

CARDS (HAND AND FOOT): Convenor Helen Thornhill  9801 7193. Meet on the 1st Saturday of the month at 1.00pm at the Studio.

COFFEE, CHAT and COMEDY: Convenor Cec McKeown 9870 3709. Held on the first Thursday in the month, in the EPR Studio between 2-4 pm. Come along and enjoy a get together. Have tea or coffee, meet new friends, have a few laughs. Bring a friend along. Bring nibblies if you wish. 

CRAZY WHIST:  Convenors Lois Hewson 0455 084 000. Marlene Watts 0414 242 050. Played on the last Saturday of the month at 2.00pm until 5.00pm.

DINE OUT: Convenor Conny Ellison 9726 6370. As arranged. See Newsletter.

EXERCISE GROUP (PRIME TIMERS) : Convenor Bettina Herbert 049 767 284. Gentle exercise to music. Every Friday in the Studio at 10.30am. 

MAHJONG: Convenor Barbara  Tib0413 508 818. We meet in the Studio on every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 2pm. New members very welcome

OUT AND ABOUT AND SPECIAL EVENTS :Run by members of the Social Group who organize various Outings and Special Events throughout the year.  The Chairman of the Social Group is Marlene Watts 0414 242 050 See the current Newsletter under NEWSLETTERS for details. To see pictures of past outings and events click here

PATCHWORK (Machine): Convenor Pauline McKeown  9870 3709. 4th Thursday Monthly. 10.00am to 2.00pm

POETS’ CORNER: Convenor Lynne Main 9723 5580. Group members meet to read and discuss poetry on the 4th Friday of every 2nd month in the Studio. Some members bring poetry that they have written. To see some of these poems click on POETS’ CORNER POEMS on the blue menu above.

RED HATTERS GROUP: Convenor Daphne Justice 0458 943 824. Women wear red hats and purple clothes and have outings to Restaurants and appropriate place of interest. To see more information and pictures click here

SING FOR FUN GROUP: Convenor and Pianist Ray Stolz. 9735 0026. Assistant Judy Stolz. We are a group of people who like to sing, have a lot of fun and enjoy companionship. We are not a Choir, and there are no auditions We meet every Thursday in the EPR Studio from 10.30 until 12 pm, for a sing-along with piano accompaniment. There is a wide range of songs and the words are displayed in large letters on the TV screen in the Studio. All welcome.

SKY LARKERS:  Convenor Brian Gerdtz 9879 6355.  A Concert Group who perform at Aged Care Facilities, and Concerts at EPR. An audition is required to join.

SOCIAL EVENTS:  As arranged. See Newsletter

TABLE TENNIS: Convenor Derek Elmer. 9726 5613. Played each week in the Studio at 7.30pm. 

TAP DANCING (Ruth’s EPR Tappers): Convenor Ruth Blackbourn 041 817 9067. People need to have had Tap Dancing experience to join.  to see pictures click here

WINE APPRECIATION GROUP: Convenor Pauline Ruse 0408 517 293. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 4.00pm in the Studio.

For further information on any of the above activities please contact
Derek Elmer (Co-ordinator of Convenors) Tel 9726 5613